I'm trying to fill my schedule and be a very active girl this summer, so this is what i'm doing this week:
I have VBS from 8:30-12. Then I'm going to Barnes and Noble and buying a lot of books on writing and improving my writing. I'm also browsing for books for a book club i just started. Then I start work at 4 and go until 9:30. After that Libby and I are going to the movies and seeing Evan Almighty. :D
I have VBS from 8:30-12. Then I might still go out with Jaunis to lunch after she gets her nails done near my house. Then Jay and I are going to the movies and seeing whatever he wants to see and then probably hanging out for a little bit after that. :D
I have VBS from 8:30-12. Then I'm probably (?) going mini golfing with my amazingly amazing thatboy up near my house. I start work at 4 and end at 9:30. Then I'm up for whatever that night. Maybe hanging with my buddy Laurel? :D
*EDIT* Laurel and I are in fact having a sleepover!
I have VBS from 8:30-12. Then I've got all night off, so I might go out driving or something for the first time in my life if my uncle Jimmy wants to take me. Yeah, I know. I said driving. Then maybe a family dinner? Whoa. :D
I have VBS from 8:30-12. Then I am going to the mall and reading some more of the Inferno until I start at 3. Then I work until close. Jay is then picking me up to go to this fantastic thing called a mocktail party hosted by Liz Pegg where we're going to party like whoa. :D
I am going to sleep in after my crazy party and then go to work at 2pm and work until 9:30. Then I'm going to get some sleep so that I can get up bright and early so I can eat before I start working on Sunday 'cause I don't want to pass out again. :D
I start work at 10, so I'm going to catch the trolley at 9:20 like I do every Sunday and get there around 9:30 to start working because Kevin always has a dough ready that early. Then I'm going to work until 6 like I do every other Sunday and then go to youth group hopefully with a ride there? :D Youth group ends at 8 so I'm up for stuff after that :D
Isn't that a great week? I'm getting a lot done and having a lot of fun.
2 months ago
Maybe there will be some mini-golfing in there?
I bet you copied and pasted "I have VBS from 8:30-12." I love how you put it in there, though.
actually i typed it out...i thought about copying it when i got to thursday and then i was like "Andrea why didn't you think of that earlier?" and then just typed it out.
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