Tuesday, January 10, 2006

i hate titles

so today was musical practice. and boy was it...crazy-ish. haha. cept not really. i can't go to the thing tonight because of girl scouts, which i'm not a big fan of, by the way!, and i had to plan a badge because apparently we still need to be earning them :( oh well. it's horrible. school is boring. i have a b in my favorite class, if that tells you anything about the rest of my grades...they're bad. cept for that class called science. i have an A in that class. which is weird, cause that's the class i don't care about. maybe i should not care about all of my classes. let's see...latin, i've been trying to stay ahead in that class so i don't get behind like usual, and so far it's working. music tech, i'm not doing so well in that class, because we're just not doing that well. but whatever. then...gym...i'm really bad at playing hockey. in case anyone cares. swimming is horrible. and then...english. ms. totty rambles on about nothing that pertains to what we're learning, and it sucks. then i have chorus. i did really bad on our test today. not real test, because we're not graded, but i wasn't all that good either way. then band. i don't think mr. b is a big fan of my playing abilities. maybe because i have none. haha. but seriously, i'm horrible at playing the flute. tricia can play better than me and she's a bassoon player. which makes me sad that i'm jealous of tricia. math- i failed a test in because i got two of the equations mixed up. we just took another test yesterday, and i know i didn't do so hot on it. history, as i've said before, i have a b. which would be a c if the grading scale hadn't changed. i'm really sad because i really like that class. i just fail every test, and don't turn in all the homework. science, miraculously i am doing good in that class. scary, huh? i thought so. i think that's it. oh, and liz...iloveyoumore! :-P


Laurel said...

I completely sympathize with having Miss Totty. So how about this essay sux. A 5-paragraph essay that can be as many paragraphs as we want as long as its more than 5...yeah exactly.

Luv ya all!

Lexi Elizabeth said...

i assume that was your verification code?

Miles C. said...

You know, Batboy learned English from BBC...

Tim Parenti said...

You'd better post while I'm at Districts...