So we're in our last week of school. I'm pretty much done with everything. And that's way exciting. Steel Band is done and out of the way, which is really nice. I have nothing left to do in English, Music Theory, Sightsinging, Theatre Lab or Econ for the rest of the week. I have my Hedda Gabler critique to do for theatre class, two more translations of latin, and practicing for piano and flute. Of course, I do have lots of finals. My finals week looks as follows:
Monday: Jury at 3:50pm.
Tuesday: Sightsinging 8am-10am.
Wednesday: Latin 10:15am-12:15pm.
English Paper and journals due by 12:30pm
Music Theory 3pm-5pm
Thursday: Econ Death Exam 8am-10am.
Piano "jury" 4:40pm.
My work schedule looks like:
Saturday: 8am-4pm
Sunday 8am-4pm
Monday 6:30pm-cl
Tuesday 11am-3pm
I'm not too worried about any of my finals besides Econ. I really need to work hard to get anything decent in that class. I'm also nervous for my jury. And I'm really excited to be taking 302 next semester instead of 202.
2 months ago
I'm sure you'll do fine. It's a busy season for all of us!
I have juries to freak out about too:P
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