So it seems like I go from one week of absolutely nothing to the next week doing so much. Last week I had a ton of free time, napped every day, and took time for myself. This week, there hasn't been a wink of that. I promised myself not to pick up as many shifts for work, but instead I ended up working so many more. I'm going to working some Thursdays and Fridays this month- usually my days off, on top of all the other days I work. I just can't seem to convince myself during our meeting that working too much is killing me. Oh well. Someone remind me next semester when I'm taking five hundred classes? So then I have a concert tomorrow. My first ever Hall Auditorium concert! I'm kind of psyched. I wish people were coming to see it though. It seems like everyone's busy. Blah. Stupid boring busy people. Then I also had to hang up posters for that, so that took up a lot of my free time. Then, on top of all that, I practiced piano for two hours every day for our test this week. I'm pretty sure I got a B on it, but since I got an A on the last test, I really shouldn't worry about it. It's a one credit course, and I've got more important things to worry about. I'm at least happy to get a B, since I was expecting a C. I've been dealing with scheduling and figuring things out for next semester. I'm applying for this urban internship thing, which is really exciting, because I can stay in Ohio, make money, and learn a ton about the real world, both on the internship and service side of things within an urban community. I got an A on my English exam. It's funny that I call this English class, since it's the first time I've only had one English all throughout college. Next semester I'm going to have three or four. And it's going to be way exciting. I still have a lot of my major classes to take, because of this semester and the fact that I'm only taking one. Blahhh! I don't even know what this semester is doing for me. I'm taking two Miami Plan courses, one English, five music, and two theatre classes. Theatre and music aren't really required, so I'm sort of wasting most of my time this semester, as I've done with past semesters. But I love everything I'm doing, so it's probably not going to change. haha. Next semester is crazy. I'm going to be taking 3-4 English classes, 2-3 of which with the same teacher, 3-4 Music Classes (since music theory has changed to 8am, i'll be taking that). Steel band, since I love playing sooo much. Then sightsinging. I'm not sure if I'm taking piano next semester or not, because I'm not sure if it will fit into my schedule. I really feel like I can't give it up, though, because I love being able to play way too much! Where is this even going? Blahhhhh. I'm procrastinating, if you can't tell. haha. I'll be hopefully taking Geography next semester. That and Latin will be my toughest classes. So yay! So at most, I'll be taking 25 credit hours (12 English, 6 Music, 3 Latin, 3 Geography, and 1 for the Urban Leadership Internship), but hopefully I'll figure out what to take and what not to take and how to work all this out. Because 25 credits is not going to work. I failed at life with 22. So blah. I'm not sure what I'm going to do. It's funny that I can do 25 credit hours without having a class (besides steel band) after 3:30 and only one class on Fridays from 8-8:50. So maybe since I won't be taking lessons, 25 credits isn't actually that big of a deal. I don't actually do homework during the day, so it sounds completely doable. But I'm going to get back to my homework. Bye!
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