So I have like a thousand new musicals to listen to. I have this friend, her name is Reann. We met at Kennywood when Luke was here (she was Kim's friend). And we're both seriously obsessed with musicals. So we've been trading musicals. And so I have a ton more to listen to. Right now, though, I'm listening to John and Jen, a musical Jay gave me. I love small shows with like two poeple. I love the last five years. And [title of show] only has four chairs and a keyboard, so if you want to consider Larry a person (he's the keyboard player, there's five, but really there's only four.
Btw, Reann is person of the week (56?).
I have like fifty million musicals now to learn! Haha. But I also like listening to the music I already know. And I know a lot of musicals. haha. Plus I like spending time away from musicals. So I'm not sure what to do. But I guess I have to try my best to balance it all out plus work and hanging out with Jay. haha. If I don't listen to every show, I guess I'll live, but it was my summer goal, so I still want to try and listen to as many as possible.
2 months ago
How was John and Jen
I liked it.
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