So this entire week has pretty much been going smoothly and amazingly. Last week I had the Dance for Darfur from thursday night to friday morning. That was a lot of fun, even though I slept for some of it. I then had the flute party, where we attempted shoo-fly pie and had a blast. It was one of the better flute dinners, except no ted :(.
The weekend passed quickly with work, and then monday came.
We started this Poetry Cafe thing with Brad Yoder. Now Brad Yoder is this amazing poet/singer, and I love all of his songs and lyrics. He's just so original and quirky. He definitely doesn't pretend to be anyone he's not. I'm excited about writing a song/poem/something for Friday's Cafe day. I spend all day in the media center performing my piece. I can't tell what I want to do yet, but I have a poem written and a song started. So that's pretty much leaving me with endless options.
I'll type both of them up here tonight maybe?
As for person of the week, this week is Brad Yoder, 'cause he rocks. :D
2 months ago
1 comment:
Good luck with the musically creative process: It's frustrating at times, but it's really fun and very rewarding!
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