Basically I've been busy. Very busy. But I've been sleeping a lot lately too, because I feel like I have these huge bags under my eyes that refuse to go away and let me work unless I sleep (oh wait, that's 'cause I do!). I have a D in physics. Yeah, it sucks, but it's because I had bad partners for our projects which caused me the most grade drops. I don't know what to do about that. Pretty much school is hard. I shouldn't have taken such hard classes. The only one I'm doing well in is Econ.
As for my goals, most are on standby right now. I'm working too much, I have musical, I need to bring my grades's all crazy. I wish I didn't have to have a job, seriously. That would make life so much easier.
I wish I could just drop the things that hinder me from doing things I love to do. I wish I could go to school for just English and chorus and Econ/Gov- the only classes I need- and then go home for the rest of the day to write and clean and get things done. It would probably make Juanis' life too because then she could have me working 12-cl a couple days a week. Maybe I'll talk to my counselor about it, because honestly, the way things are working right now is just not working.
So I don't know what to do. I'm thinking of submitting some of my stories to vernissage...the literary magazine. Tell me which ones you like, how to improve them, and then I'll submit them!
My schedule this month is insane. I'm working like 10 days this whole month, which is nice, but I also have musical a lot. Once we start run thrus I can do homework, which'll be nice.
Sorry this is all unorganized, but it's how my brain feels like thinking this morning.
1. Write more- Since I've been sick, I haven't written all weekend. That bothers me, but I'll get caught up in no time. While sick, though, I typed up a few of the stories I've written previously, so enjoy!
2. More Cultured- This is sort of put aside. I really wish I could read and research right now, but getting my grades up is more important.
3. Look Good/ Feel Good- Well, I've been getting to sleep before midnight most nights and waking up around 5 to finish my homework. I think that's the only thing. I'm going to try and get yoga/exercise tapes. In the meanwhile, I'm going to start stretching in the morning to loosen my muscles. They're always so tight.
4. See more friends and family- Laurel and my day went pretty well, even if it only lasted like 5 hours. But that's okay. We had fun. Jane keeps blowing me off, so I don't know what's going on there. Other than that, I'm not doing much of that.
5. Look Pretty- I think this is a pretty successful goal, despite what Juanis thinks. I'm not wearing makeup or anything yet, but I'm definitely spending more time on my clothes and picking out cute stuff to wear. My hair varies on the day, but I've been wearing it in non-pony tail styles a whole lot more lately. Jewelry has been successful, 'cept my one necklace is broken.
6. Give more- I don't think this is going to work out to well. Just because I don't have time right now for it.
7. Take more pictures- Well, I took like 50 pictures at Heinz Hall, plus Laurel and I got a few pics from regionals, but we're gonna take a whole lot more at states.
8. Get a new job- Just waiting until musical ends and then I'm seriously gone. They've already told me that I can't get a raise, so yeah, gone.
That's pretty much how everything in life is going.
Here's my grades according to edline, which'll change by next week when we get our report cards:
Calculus- 87.7% B
Econ- 93.5% A
Gym- 100% A
Latin- 86.2% B
English- 80.3% B
Physics- 67.7% D
Band- 97.7% A
Chorus- 98.3% A
So yeah. I don't have any Cs, but I might by the end of the nine weeks. Calculus we just took a test and I think I did really well on it, so maybe that'll even go up to an A? Econ has a lot of grades he hasn't entered in yet, so that might go up or down- I'm thinking up. Gym might go down if I don't make up the class. In latin, there's an essay she hasn't graded yet and some tests she has yet to enter in, so that could go anywhere, but I'm thinking I'm gonna be staying at the B level. English- we have a huge vocab test coming up, so I really need to study for it so that I can keep that grade a B. Physics we just had a test, plus I need to talk to her about a few things, so hopefully I can raise that to a C by the end of the nine weeks. Band and Chorus are pretty self explanatory.
So I'll have a lot of Bs this nine weeks, which'll bring my GPA down a lot, but whatever. I'm graduating soon, and hopefully next nine weeks'll be better.
I'm going up to see Jay at the end of February. That'll be really nice. Musical in mid-march! YAY! Then I'm going to states at the end of March, Band trip at the end of April, Physics Field Trip on Andrea Day, and then finals and graduation. So yeah, it's all coming pretty fast. Only 5 months until I'm a college girl!
About colleges, I still haven't heard from Allegheny or Miami, so we'll see.
I think this is a long enough update, so I'll post it now....
2 months ago
Sounds very busy. Sounds a little familiar.
What/when is your musical?
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