Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I lead Chemistry

So today we had to turn in our hand made periodic tables. We were officially supposed to turn them in Monday, but she changed it to Tuesday. When she found out the sophomores had an assembly, we made it due today. However, when we went to turn them in, we found out that they were being graded for 50 points. I immediately raised my hand and argued this. These periodic tables were for us. They were allowed to be designed any way we wanted with any details we deemed necessary on them. If we didn't want color, we shouldn't have had to color them, becuase it was based on what we wanted on it. We all though she'd just check in for points, not for neatness and everything. So I told her this, and she's like "Okay, who agrees with this". A few people did. So she was like "Okay, you have a choice of either turning it in for 50/50 or not for a 0/0." Some people did but not everyone so I was like "Would you rather lose points and potentially lower your grade or would you rather not have it graded at all?" About 95% of the class got theirs back, and so she decided that everyone should just get theirs back; she wasn't wasting her time on 3 or 4 people.

It just made me happy that I could sway the class and the teacher. :D


Miles C. said...

That's cause you were right.

People tend to be on that side.

Anonymous said...

Awesome. We had a medium-sized programming assignment set for homework on Monday, and it was supposed to be due today, but the professor gave us the option of handing it in today (getting a score back by Friday) or next Monday, bearing in mind that next Monday is the same day as our midterm exam, and we would not get any feedback in time for the test.

The vote was 22-21, with 80 people in the class. So it was declared a tie. Most people, then, opted for Monday when given the choice. In fact, my group just finished the assignment an hour ago.

Laurel said...

Thats awesome, I wish my teachers would do that sometime, although I did get 10 bonus points in Chemistry today, but thats not really that much considering most of our quizzes are several hundred points and our tests are over 1000 points lol!