Friday, June 26, 2009

Shoshana Bean and NonMusicals

So I read "Shoshana Bean's" playlist, and her first one was Journey. She said she tries not to listen to musicals because her whole life is musicals. Well, it reminded me that there was music outside of musicals. So I started listening to other things. Of course, my first thing was Journey. And it was amazing. I had forgotten about so many good songs. So then I listened to some Britney Spears and Weird Al and just random Rock and some other things. And it was amazing. I forgot about all this other music while delving into the planet of musicals. Not that I've given up on musicals. I listen to Next to Normal, [title of show], Songs for a New World, and Kerrigan and Lowdermilk all the time. haha. I've covered some more musicals on my list- The Fantasticks, 25th Annual Putnam Country Spelling Bee, and I'm currently going through Children of Eden. I basically spend a lot of my time listening to music.

Last weekend, I spent most of the car ride there belting amazing songs. haha. And by that I mean cracking on every note, haha. But it was so much fun. I did the same thing once between classes in a small hidden corner of the college. I sucked, but it didn't matter. No one was listening.

On top of all of this, everyone is dying. Or having an affair. And it's all really, really sad. I guess I don't really need to blog about it- I'm sure everyone already knows about it all. My love goes out to everyone affected.


Hounddog said...

You forgot about Journey? How could you!

Journey is superduper.

Also, you have their greatest hits CD.

Moria said...

So I may be able to help you with burning copies of some CDs for you. My grandparents have tons of musical CDs. The Music Man, My Fair Lady, Oklahoma, Carousel, and a few others.