Sometimes life sucks. Like right now. The only thing good in my life is Jay Benze. Other than that health wise I'm still sickie and musical auditions are coming up (yuck) so I hope I'm not sickie for them. Mentally I'm breaking down because I have a 38% in physics right now. so much for graduating with a 4.0, but whatever. Work wise I'm hating my job likewhoa. It's not even the pay, but the treatment I get even though I work harder than anyone else there. Then there's the whole problem with my best friend being an idiot. And the fact that Christmas is coming up and I don't know what to get anybody. Then there's the whole wisdom teeth thing. I'm so nervous about that, plus musical coming up. I hate auditioning. I don't know, there's just a lot going on.
Whoa. Seriously, if you need to talk, drop me an email or perhaps I'll try to get on AIM if I get all of my work done.
Good luck getting through it all; many others have before you!
sounds like you need a really big hug, and regretfully i can't offer any more than *HUGGGG!*
if your best friend is being an idiot maybe you should tell her why you think that, because she seems pretty content, even happy with how things are in her life...maybe you see something bad that she doesn't, but you need to point it out and give her good reasons why instead of refusing to talk about it
Hey. I agree with you IS miserable. But you have friends to carry you through it. If you need to talk to me about anything....besides what we're already talking about right now, just tell me cuz I'm here for you:)
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