So my computer broke like a week and a half ago. That's why I haven't been able to update on anything.
But I can now:
Report Card News:
My report card turned out even better than I had planned because Mrs. Peiffer (Sp) raised my grade from a 79.3 to a 79.5 so that I could get an B for the 9 weeks. So I ended up with a 4.2
Calculus- 80.0 B (4.0)
Econ- 93 A (4.5)
Gym- 100 A (1.0)
Latin- 90 A (5.0)
English- 88 B (4.0)
Physics- 93 A (4.5)
Band- 95 A (4.0)
Chorus- 99 A (4.0)
So that's good, I think. If I get straight A's for the rest of the year, I will graduate with a 4.005, which'll be amazingly nice.
As for person of the week, since my mom was like person of three weeks, I think this person is going to be Jaime because he's been amazingly sweet to me, and stuff.
I'm going to start putting a PotW list over on the side bar so I can see who's been one yet, 'cause I don't want repeats or anything until everyone's gotten a turn.
I finished my applications for schools and turned in all my transcripts. I won't get any acceptance letters until January, and I'm okay with that, but it's all in and I don't have to worry about any of that.
As for scholarships, it's hard to find ones that I can do without killing myself. I have so much school work to focus on that it's hard to find the time for everything and still be able to have time to myself.
Marching Band:
Marching Band is officially over, besides hoagie sales and the trip. I'm glad we got farther this year (by one game) than any other year 'cause that makes my senior year special, but I'm also glad it was only by one game because I wouldn't have wanted to do it any longer.
The Band Banquet was nice. Jane and I hung out the whole time listening repeatedly to "His Name". I wish I could find the song online, but it doesn't seem to be anywhere.
Well, I have homework or I'd update you more.
1 month ago
To what schools did you apply?
Welcome back to the computered world!
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