Monday, August 15, 2005

Dog Fight

Ok, so Maddie is officially on my hate list, not like she wasn't before, but now she attacked my dog. Thankfully Finly is bigger and stronger, so he's only bitten badly on his ear. But who agrees with me that Maddie should go and not Gambino or Finly?!!!!!!!!! It seems no one in this house thinks so. To them, Maddie's an angel, and it would hurt them to see her leave. What about Gambino?!?! He's not living with us anymore because of her!!! I'm so mad


Miles C. said...

Aww...I think Maddie should go. She sounds really stuck up.

Um...when did Gambino move out? Was it after that other dog fight? 'Cause whenever it was, I missed it.

Lexi Elizabeth said...

it was after the other dog fight yes