Wednesday, July 06, 2005


While I was in Deep Creek, my dog Gambino was getting chewed up. It was the Fourth of July. Close to 10:00pm. Madeline came in contact with Gambino. She could've killed him. But Scott (who was taking care of them) stepped in, earning himself 9 stitches after calling 911. Gambino was taken to the hospital, and so was Scott. Gambino was all torn up, and madeline almost puntured a lung. She was out to kill him. I got home Tuesday afternoon, 1:00-ish. When Gambino isn't there, I think nothing of it, except for he would probably be at Marsha's (she usually takes care of him while we are away). But when she comes over at around 5:00pm, and asks me if I was told about Gambino. I shook my head, and she said something about Madeline had gotten to him again. I immediately thought she killed him, and it took everything not to break down at that moment. I cried after she told me that he was in the hospital though. I couldn't believe my baby was in the hospital. We went to go see him. He could barely move, he wouldn't eat. I cried at the hospital too. It was the most horifying experience for me. I got to hold him though. I put him to sleep on my lap, rubbing his nose the way I always did. Then we went to visit him today, and he could walk again, and I could see the stitches that were covered by the towel before. He was bad. We finally got him eating- wet dog food, so we were allowed to take him home. The bill was almost $1500. I don't know how my mom is paying the bills this month!!! While coming home, he sat on my lap. He tried to lick his wounds (I don't know why the doctors said he didn't need a cone). He looked so helpless, so small (he got shaved, finally, for free). He ate some Arby's meat. Something solid. It took me over a day to be able to type this, because the rush of it all just kills. And makes me want to cry again. I am so happy he'll be okay. We are getting rid of Maddie, but for some reason the shelter won't even talk to us until Monday. Which sucks, because now Maddie and Gambino are in the same household. I flipped out on my mom, but she just smacked me and told me to shut up, that he was alright. I have a real bad feeling about this. I know usually my feelings are wrong, but this one is really strong. I hope he's going to be alright. We leave in five days for our trip to Florida. I hope he can last til then.

1 comment:

Miles C. said...

Oh no!

Wow...thats pretty horrible. I'm so glad he's better.

Give him my love!