I have been browsing some of these blogs, and have run into some very peticular blogs that have sparked my interest. One for example, is about how he interprets what others say and what the bible says. He seems to be really smart, even if he doesn't think so. It has me questioning, again, about life. How did it begin? Some people, like scientists, say it began with the big bang, or some other theory. Religious people believe that there is a god, that he has created everything. I really don't know what to think. I guess I believe in a god, for I pray whenever I remember to, but it's hard for me to imagine something created this beautiful planet, and all these articulate people and things. It's also hard for me to believe that such a being would allow things that occur on this planet the way they do. I guess I think too much on the subject, but maybe not. Some friends tell me that god answers their prayers, that he tells them everything will be alright. But he has never answered my prayers, and has never made me feel safe. Maybe I'm going crazy.
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