Wednesday, June 22, 2005

My Summer Eating Habits

When it's summer, my mom works a lot. She usually isn't home, and when she is, she's sleeping. So there is never home made dinner. We don't have money to get take out. And I'm too lazy to make anything. I never eat breakfast, and in the summer, since I can't buy lunch, I don't have lunch. So I basically starve myself over the summer. Not that I don't eat anything. I just eat things that are accessable and snack-ish. When I work, though, since I have a job now, I have food in front of me and I usually buy it. I know this isn't good for me, and I really should eat three proper meals, but I can't cook, my mom is too busy, too sick, too tired to make anything, and Alli only cooks for herself, and Jo does too. Even Jo can cook. It's pityful.


Miles C. said...

I don't mean to critize, but thats just not right! Your mother should at least leave food for you to microwave or something. You having to starve yourself is just wrong.

Lexi Elizabeth said...

I don't have to starve myself! I just, don't feel like eating.